Existing Above Reproach
We are living in an era where not only churches and non-profit organizations, but also major corporations are being found guilty of illegal accounting practices. The Bible calls this “living in reproach”. As the Body of Christ we are called to “live above reproach”.
The Towles Group, Inc. presents the Existing Above Reproach Program, a program specifically designed for churches to ensure that their organization is in line with the current state and federal taxation laws.
The Bible is very clear about our responsibility to government. In Matthew 22:21, Jesus states to His disciples, “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s; and unto God the things which are God’s.” Often times we are diligent in rendering our services, time and finances unto God but become lax in our rendering unto Caesar (government). We must not only be hearers of the Word but doers also and to not render unto the government that which they rightfully require is against the law and reproachable. "Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people" Proverbs 14:34 (NKJV).
Churches close almost every day in this country, not because of a lack of membership but because of illegal or unethical accounting practices. There is a need for accurate and righteous accounting practices and The Towles Group, Inc. would like to offer this to you.
As a part of the Existing Above Reproach Program, the Towles
Group can evaluate the accounting practices of your church or
ministry, its policies, its day-to-day activity and executive
structure of the church to ensure that it is IRS compliant.
The process is simple and is equivalent to a check up.
You ever wonder why some ministries get loans while others don't? Most of the time it comes down to an organization's financial compliance. Does your church operate legally? Is the organization financially stable? How does your church manage risk? All of these items are part of financial compliance.
Ministry Expansion
The ministry of Jesus included teaching, healing, and feeding the community around Him. When we think of expanding ministry, we think more people at our services and larger facilities. Instead we should consider finding ways to impact others in a greater way. Allow us to assist you with expanding your ministry while also increasing the church's revenue.
Clergy Retirement
We have seen and heard of so many clergy members holding on simply because they generate the majority of their income from the work of the ministry. It is estimated that nearly 80% of senior pastors are not ready financially to retire. Let us help you with getting ready for retirement.
Financial Training
Many churches have non-finance personnel handling the financials affairs of the church. This maybe necessary on some cases, however, it would be great to get your non-finance people trained. We can assist you with that!
The Towles Group Inc.
Providing Accounting, Tax, & Financial Services